Ritual Services at Convention
By Malaea Nelms Seleski, National Ritual Chair
Our ritual is the common link that every member shares with every other Zeta. Our love for ZTA started in different chapters. Some chapters were big, others were small, and many were somewhere in between—but that part really does not matter! What matters is that one thing remains the same in Zeta Tau Alpha: our ritual. Our ritual binds all members together regardless of where we went to college, which chapter we joined or where we land after graduation.
Think about what our ritual services teach us. I challenge you to listen to the messages and values presented in these ceremonies and think about how you are personally living ZTA’s values. The innermost meanings of Zeta Tau Alpha have remained unchanged through the years.
At Convention this year, attendees will get to be part of the Rededication Service, the Memorial Service and the Installation of National Council.
The Rededication Service recalls the beautiful ideals of our Fraternity and reaffirms the teachings we learn during Initiation. The Memorial Service will honor those members who have passed away over the last biennium. We will also honor former National Officers who passed away during both the 2018-2020 and the 2020-2022 bienniums. After our final Business Meeting, attendees will get to witness the Installation of National Council for the 2022-2024 biennium.
As we look forward to seeing each of you at Convention and welcoming you to be part of our beautiful ritual services, I ask that you please remember to pack your proper ritual attire. So what is proper ritual attire? Each member’s ritual attire must be chalk white from head to toe. A white dress, a white shirt or blouse with a skirt, a white jumpsuit, or a white shirt or blouse with white dress pants are all acceptable. Ritual attire should be conservative, without any trim or accents in colors other than chalk white. White shoes are to be worn for the ceremonies. Non-decorative head coverings must be white, and hair accessories must be white or match the individual’s hair color.
We look forward to seeing you in Grapevine as we continue our traditions as set forth for us by our Founders so many years ago.