Ritual Services
Initiating a special new member has been a long-standing tradition at ZTA Convention. On Friday, Zetas dressed in their ritual attire to witness the initiation of Corbin Adamson Orgain, the wife of Founder Ruby Leigh Orgain’s great-great-grandson. Included in the room with all her new ZTA sisters was her sister-in-law, Betsy Saxman Orgain, wife of another of Miss Ruby’s great-great-grandsons who was a special initiate in 1998, ZTA’s Centennial year. In honor of ZTA’s 125th anniversary, Corbin and Betsy donated a wrought iron garden sign from Miss Ruby’s garden at her home, Themismere, to the Historical and Educational Center.

Following the Initiation Service, former Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Mary Ann Stratford Stegall conducted the moving Memorial Service that recognizes the sisters who passed away during the biennium.