Outstanding Alumna

At Saturday’s lunch, the ZTA Foundation honored Colorado State University President Amy Monger Parsons as the Zeta Tau Alpha Outstanding Alumna for 2024. President Parsons is an initiate of Kappa Alpha Chapter (Colorado State University.) She was named the 16th president of CSU in 2023 and is the first to be a member of a national fraternity or sorority.

"I'm grateful for Zeta I'm grateful that my experience directly informs my work today and provides the lens through which I see the importance of sorority and fraternity life on campus." President Parsons said. "It lights me up to be in a room with this many Zetas. I promise to carry all of this inspiration and energy back with me to my work at CSU, and to pay forward what this amazing organization has done for me."

Learn more about President Parsons here.


Founders Club

The Leadership Consultants who will travel this coming academic year were seated at the head table. The Foundation honored the members of the Founders Club--individuals and chapters who raised from $10,000 to over $250,000 during this biennium.

Golden Anniversary Academic Achievement Award

Lambda Iota Chapter (Vanderbilt University)
Since ZTA’s 40th anniversary in 1948, ZTA has presented this award to the chapter with the highest grade point average for the biennium. Lambda Iota’s grade point average over the past two years was 3.74 at one of the most academically difficult universities in the country.

Margaret Dunkle Hardy Academic Improvement Award

Theta Eta Chapter (Stephen F. Austin State University)
This award honors Margaret Dunkle Hardy, Mrs. Laughery’s grandmother, who served ZTA as Academic Achievement Chair from 1972 to 1984. The biennial recipient of this award is the chapter with the largest increase in its GPA over the biennium. Theta Eta increased its GPA by .23 point this biennium.