Closing Business Meeting

At the final Business Meeting on Saturday, delegates approved a recommendation to continue its commitment to breast cancer education and awareness as the focus of our national philanthropic efforts and that our broad spectrum of outreach programs continue to utilize the trademarked Think PinkĀ® brand.

Retiring National Council Members Kimberly Jones Ivester and Cheri White Armstrong received traditional silver trays, etched on the back with signatures of ZTA sisters.

Nominating Committee Chair and former Vice President Collegiate II Stacy Verkest Voigt presented the slate of officers for the 2024-2026 National Council. The slate passed by acclamation.* The former National Presidents, lead by Julia Marthaler Hill, conducted the Installation of National Council Service.

National Council 2024-2026

National President: Dinah Jackson Laughery
Vice President Collegiate I: Meredith Harris Braselman
Vice President Collegiate II: Stancy Robinson Hagans
Vice President Collegiate III: Jacque Green Lish
Vice President Alumnae I: Kery Reinkemyer Webb
Vice President Alumnae II: Barb Chang-Holt
Secretary-Treasurer: Shannon Ferguson
NPC Delegate: Dr. Katie Peoples Zamulinsky
Extension Director: Karla Lundgren Wheeler